What About the Pope's Consecration of Russia of 25.3.2022?Consecration from pope Francis seemed correct this time, but the problems remain. What did go wrong? I think this consecration was almost OK, but it missed a general presential convocation from all cardinals and bishops of the world, to be together physically and spiritually, consecrating Russia... THE CONCLUSION I HAVE NOW IS: RUSSIA IS NOW CORRECTLY CONSECRATED BY THE POPE, BUT NOT YET, BY all THE CARDINALS AND BISHOPS OF THE whole WORLD. THEY MUST, thus, FOLLOW THE POPE AND CONSECRATE RUSSIA TO THE IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY. WE'RE NOW IN A TRANSITIONAL SITUATION. CHINA REMAINS AN APOCALYPTIC DANGER AND MAY BECOME MILITARILY SUPERIOR TO RUSSIA... The apocalyptic scenario of the Soviet Union returning is still possible, but there are other scenarios as well. Communism normally returns, in an apocalyptic scenario (e. g., see apparitions of Garabandal), with Russia being an important actor (scenario China and Russia, or, eventually China and the USSR), but there is still another possible scenario: China and Orthodox Russia, as now, with the possibility of the Russian church being the Philadelphia church... More information on this topic, in the section 'Maybe Russia escapes the tribulations of the Apocalypse?', of this Chapter... Fatima 1917: "Convert Russia... or Russia / USSR Shall Spread Its Errors Over the Whole World!"COMMUNIST RUSE STRATEGY: 2 STEPS FORWARD and 1 STEP BACK, to confuse(!) (from: Heaven to J. Leary). INDEED IT MATCHES! E. g., against the USA: defeat after defeat of the West, but from time to time, a victory to confuse... now Socialism is contaminating the West, up to the Vatican... Our Lady of Fatima, in 1917, has asked us to pray the Rosary everyday, and, also, the Conversion of Russia. The Vatican could help in the Correct Consecration, but it's very hard: evil is active there... only with many, many, daily Rosaries... Otherwise, Russia would spread its Errors all over the World. e. g.:
Better "Cat & Mouse Game" Than To Become Schismatic.I may understand that some (eastern or traditionalist) Christians think with their own heads, and they don't go in "tales". In some sense, the doctrine of the Christians Traditionalists / Orthodox is better than the Protestant doctrines & those of other sects... they're closer to the truth... In these Apocalyptic times, the forces of Evil are strong, inside the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, and some Modernizations of the holy doctrine are "suspect" (not so holy). However, the Will of God, since the begin, was to have a united true Church. That Church had Peter, as head, and since then, his legitimate followers: the Popes, up to today... The popes / the Vatican, should not change everything; they have not the right the set the holy doctrine completely "up side down". It may happen in the future; there are limits to the changes, but, despite the attacks of the evil forces, the Vatican remains the legitimate authority, up to today. Some discernment may be required, in difficult situations, and these times are confusing ones... More information over this Subject, in the Chapter 'Miracles & Discernment' of this Web site... Doctrine Versus Authority: Which Is the Best Choice?The answer is, since the years 60, less evident, because, before, the Will of God, the True Doctrine and the Respect of the Legitimate Authority, had a match of almost 100%. Now, it is not the case anymore, thus, some prudence is required; one case is not the other... it is however POSSIBLE, to profess the True Faith, inside the Legitimate Catholic Church... we shall, thus, NOT separate from the Catholic Church (as long as it remains the Legitimate one)... the risk of Excommunication is not big (as long as we do not "exaggerate")... In any case, to separate from the Catholic Church / Vatican, before it loses its legitimate authority, is to set us "out of game": it's what happened with the Orthodox Churches and also with the Lefebvrists / Traditionalists, even if their doctrine is correct... Submit to the legitimate authority is important also; it may show some humility... But Evil is big inside the Catholic Church; there may be abuses of authority: we shall not be ingenuous neither... the Clergy is doing well its primary task of providing the Holy Sacraments and the Union with Rome (up to the Fall)... however, because of this submission to the Vatican's authority, they can not do everything 100% correct and the pro Good of the Vatican suffer blackmail from the evil forces... That's why the best strategy, for the believers, who are not directly under the authority of the Vatican, is to Support and to Pray for our Legitimate (Catholic) Clergy, not judge them and to be somewhat "ruse", when possible (living in big Catholic cities, for ex.). It's better some "Cat & Mouse game", to try to maximize the Will of God, than to be Separatist (Orthodox), or, eventually, to be silenced, as the Sister Lucy of Fatima (traps for the Clergy and their religious submission)... For the members of the Clergy, not to submit to their legitimate superior authorities, may be dangerous also... they risk to be excluded of the Catholic hierarchy... but they can always omit some things and try to play with ambiguity / autonomy, to try to maximize the will of God... However, the normal believers, are relatively "more free", and are more apt to play "Cat and Mouse" games (specially in big agglomerations, with more choices for places of Cult)... respect for the priests is a good idea, but we may change of Church, from time to time, in order "to speak the Truth", when the control of the clergy's authority diminishes... "Chinese style control", from the Clergy authorities (against the believers), goes also against the Will of God: believers should profit from some freedom... in that case, a "cat & mouse game" is maybe recommended, but some obeisance also... Protections against Evil welcome, in order to avoid Problems / Traps!!! Not to be ingenuous!!! Intimidation does exist... The Chapter 'Protections against Evil' gives ideas for Protections Against Evil, as praying the Rosary everyday... Even the members of the Clergy, may take profit of some ambiguity, to favor the Will of God, when possible. It's still possible to profess the True Faith, inside the Catholic Church... Dangers are, however, increasing, and priests may have to do some things "less" holy, in order to conform to the Catholic Hierarchy... There are limits to changes, but as long as there's no schism of the Fall, some "less holy changes" are not always so dramatic, if we and the Clergy conform, to the Will of the Superiors... some ruse may be also welcome, in such cases... Doctrine Versus Authority: Conclusion.Thus, better some ruse and Cat & Mouse Game, than to divorce from the Legitimate Catholic Church. The Conservative Russians and the (orthodox) Clergy, if they would integrate the Roman Catholic Church, in the Polish or Ukrainian (Greek Catholic Byzantine rite) model and using this strategy, they could help (a lot) the conservative branch of the Vatican, and could help to restore the order. With this divorce, everybody loses. Some "ruse" would be, however, required, to try to restore / reinforce the Will of God... the Evil One does the same "game", but with opposite intentions... and He is gaining power, inside the Vatican... The Origins of the Problem: the Golden Horn, Constantinople and the Orthodoxy.Although it may be a coincidence, there's maybe another interpretation for the symbolism of the Golden Horn, Constantinople (now Istanbul, Turkey), and the Orthodoxy, specially, after the great schism of 1054 of the Eastern churches. Constantinople was the great Christian city of the time (1054), and had a great charm. It succeeded to seduce Kievan Rus to Christianity, in the Byzantine version. After the conquest of Constantinople by the Turks, Hagia Sophia became a mosque, Islam was promoted, but the Russians and the other Slavs remained mostly Christian Orthodox. That's why that charm for the Greek Byzantine Orthodox Faith didn't seem to come only from Constantinople / Hagia Sofia:
Thus, the cause from the conversion of Kievan Rus to the Byzantine Faith came maybe from something else... which made the difference... I think the Swedish Vikings had maybe played a role, giving Scandinavian charm to the Byzantine faith, at the time of the conversion of Kievan Rus to Christianity, at 988 AD... Indeed, the (Swedish) Vikings were recruited by the Byzantines and were active there, since ~the 8th Century... There was a kind of ambiguity, from the part of the Scandinavians, from the time... in Scandinavia self, they were not yet Christians / Catholic, but further South, they converted sometimes to the true faith; the Vikings worked, sometimes, for the Christian kings... ... Maybe the Scandinavians / Vikings, at the 8th century, were somewhat angry / frustrated with the Christian West Europe, because the Goths and other Scandinavians lost their properties in Spain, Italy and Hungary, while their examples / governments were, there, relatively good... The situation was, thus, maybe more complex than it seems, and they maybe played, with some ambiguity, at the time... At the time of the official conversion of Kievan Rus, in 988 AD, Constantinople did, indeed, the difference, and was still Catholic! THE KIEVAN RUS OBSERVERS CONFESSED THEY DIDN'T KNOW IF THEY WERE ON EARTH OR IN HEAVEN!!! YOU CAN, THUS, IMAGINE THE CHARM (in Hagia Sophia)... That's why, maybe, God is the Α / 𝛼 (ALPHA) and the Ω / ω (OMEGA), and He doesn't forget the Greek Byzantine culture and its thirst for perfection... Unfortunately, things went wrong... like for the USA and the West now, it was to be expected the fall of Byzantium one day, sooner or later, in time... indeed, people on earth are not perfect... nobody... At ~1000 DC, the Muslims of Sicily were threatening Central Italy... the Muslim Arabs had already colonies near Rome... At the time, the true faith Normans, from Nordic origin (Norway and Denmark), decided to free Italy from that Muslim domination... but, at that time, there were troubles between the true faith Germans and the Slavs, in the area of present day Poland... Byzantium was trying to seduce the Slavs to the true faith, in its Greek version... the Normans didn't do the game of Byzantium (+ Sweden) and almost expelled the Byzantines (and its influence) from Italy... Byzantium, which had already lost a lot of territory to the Muslim Arabs, went in paranoia, found pretexts and triggered the great orthodox schism of 1054! For "solidarity", most of the Eastern churches followed Byzantium and fell also... Since then, the great charm of Constantinople didn't interest anymore... the charm and greatness of Constantinople were used for rivalry against the legitimate authority of the Vatican and not to promote God's interests... a rivalry, like the adultery in a couple, but with greatness and charm... a Golden Horn! Indeed, since the beginning, the Golden Horn and the Crescent Moon were symbols of the city of Byzantium / Constantinople... if we see the historical evolution of the city, I think it was not by chance... unfortunately, the possible Swedish efforts, in the Middle Ages, towards Constantinople, fell in the ridicule... sometimes, it happens... evil forces are very smart and try to change good work in ridicule... The great Orthodox rivalry didn't stop, since 1054, but it was solved, with the conquest of Constantinople and the progressive Islamization of the city, by the Ottoman Turks... The Solution Found was not Brilliant, but a part of the problem was solved... indeed, the Catholics (and the Crusaders) were unable to change the situation, in the Middle Ages... Orthodox (and Communist) Russia became a great power, afterwards, but it's unable to contest the superiority of the legitimate Christian authority, the Pope / the Vatican, up to the end of the world (but the True Faith / Vatican is already under discreet attack of the evil forces!). Communism + USSR: 2 STEPS FORWARD, 1 STEP BACK*, UP TO the ANTICHRIST.*- Heaven to J Leary... a deeper analysis seem to confirm it... the strongest were the communists... The TURKEY OF ATATURK does PARTNERSHIP WITH the USSR: THE GREAT CARNAGE EVER, OF the CHRISTIANS of the MIDDLE EAST, BEGINS... THE RUSE IN WW2: so "weak" they were, so many millions of Russians dead... ⇒ USSR dictators could have profited to make a "great cleansing" of less desirable ethnicities: Muslim Tartars, etc., sending them to the battle fields, with "weaker" weapons, for instance, in the beginning... ... because, afterwards, after the initial "terrible sufferings and defeats", they reversed completely the situation, and they become largely in advantage... the ruse... 1962 Algeria, etc. The AFRICAN decolonization: GREAT DEFEATS for the good + the WEST! 1962, Algeria: USA and France have no force, against USSR... The WARS OF INDEPENDENCE, IN AFRICA, WERE *NOT* pure WARS, BETWEEN NATIVE Africans and European colonialists. The Natives simply had no force, to defy the European authority. Nor the will, in many cases. That is confusing, here, in the West, also: they think, here, that the responsible were the natives... They were not (or: not alone)! It was (mainly) USSR... afterwards, each one reacts in its own way... THOSE WARS WERE WARS BETWEEN GOOD AND EVIL, wars BETWEEN USSR AND the WEST. GREAT VICTORIES FOR USSR + SOCIALISM COMMUNISM, the discretion, the ruse... Now, Communist, Apocalyptic China is defying the USA and it is almost the economy number 1... without Western reaction, the trend is to become largely the number 1, even if the communist, socialist system is less efficient... EVIL, SOCIALISMS, COMMUNISMS KEEP ADVANCING... and, sometimes, Orthodox temptation... but it's better to remain in the roman catholic faith, until the fall of the Vatican (to the New Age Socialist Communist sect)... It's not always obvious to notice this immediately; however, through the use of adequate information, e. g., from the Wikipedia, we can deduce this: the Soviet Union's strategy of “2 steps forward, 1 step back (in order to confuse…)” happened, indeed. Sometimes, the Western lands should intervene pro USSR, with socialist / communist advantage, afterwards... "Better to help the wars of the USSR, e. g., in Africa, than having it, in own land"... Lands as Sweden, USA, Brazil could have reacted, in this way... Egypt, Algeria, Namibia, the Portuguese colonies... others should play the game... Independences, from the pro God Colonial Empires, "should happen": either peacefully, or either through war... and the pro God empires lost... The USA against the UK??? Really??? Yes, it happened, indeed: the USA sided with the USSR, against the UK, in Egypt... Is this Normal? Not really... Correction: it seems, in the beginning, that, some nations, like the USA, did freely the game of the USSR, but for other reasons: during the split of Africa, all African colonies went to some few European lands, like France and the UK, but some other lands, like the USA and Russia / USSR, were excluded ⇒ some revenge was possible... But, afterwards, the USA realize that these independences favor the communists... and weaken its allies, like the UK... the USA play otherwise in Algeria, but the West loses (again)... Anyhow, the natives of the ex-colonies were not masters of the situation: The great masters were the USSR and the USA, with advantage for the USSR... Now, we can not restore the things, in a pro God way, so easily... This analysis may not be 100% accurate, but it showed the trend, and there was indeed an effective USSR intervention, in the decolonization process... the previous European christian empires weakened... Europe, to remain strong, should unite... even so, it weakens, with this democratic system, despite the wealth; Women rights promote a permanent demographic fall... which weakens the concerned lands, in the long term, at least economically and demographically, in the world ranking... More details over this subject, in the sections 'Communism of Genders Triggers the Fall of the West', in the Chapters 'Ladies & Veil (+ Men)' + 'Apocalypse' of this Web site, "www.christianideas.eu". The Decolonization Process was not The Will of God... the European lands should have kept their colonial empires, but they should reinforce the true faith there also. This is still the will of God, says God. "Convert Russia or... Russia would spread its errors all over the world..." a deeper analysis: indeed, it happened! It still happens, but now it is more complex... ... communist apocalyptic China is rising, communisms, socialisms are being reinforced, abortions are becoming common, LGBT + modern women ideologies are also socialist progressive ⇒ the communism of genders triggers the demographic fall... afterwards, it weakens the nation, even with many people with high education... ... communism of salaries triggers poverty and work demotivation for the traditionally well paid and university jobs, except the military (⇒ they're helped then by hell, in order to create weapons, to destroy the planet, reference: www.tldm.org). ...social security may help against misery, but it triggers also illness + death culture, pension systems included! The logic used, is this one: "If that person dies, the government pays less money and the worker pays less taxes"... the concerned people should be aware: the social insurance system is not as good as it seems... it may help in some situations, the people may benefit from it, but the concerned should react and should develop strategies to counter the negative effects... if people can live without those social securities, it's better! 'Idea to Become Rich, but Pro God' in the respective section of the Chapter ‘Rich, Freemasons, Opus Dei’ of this Web site. The (Russian and) Chinese Attack: Apocalyptic Defeat for the West / USA.Russia can still be very dangerous and can play a crucial role, in the fall of the world, which could be avoided, with a correct consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Probably we merit it, because of our sins, but anyhow... I really prefer a Russia with us, champion, superstar, than a rejected / rival Russia, siding with Apocalyptic China, a tool of Terror and an Apocalyptic Scourge for the West and for the World ... we could let that role for China (without Russia) for a later time, later in the future, no? Please refer to the (conditional) prophecies of www.tldm.org, Russia and China, parts I and II... Note: France could still play a role, afterwards: the scenario of the great catholic french monarch, from the old catholic apocalyptic prophecies... More information over this subject, in the section 'What Is the Problem with the Possible Great Catholic French Monarch' of the Chapter 'Danger of Apocalypse'. Russia Properly Converted, Only With Many Rosaries.Our Lady said that, Only with many Rosaries, may Russia be converted properly. References: related links, in the ancient French Web site Apparitions Mariales. Indeed, because of the strong activity of the forces of evil, inside the Vatican, it's difficult for the popes to correctly consecrate Russia. Properly converted Russia, I think, in the style "super Poland", but with a pro Catholic Conservative government, would be the right solution, for the world, for several / many years... The Crimea Question: Why Russia Is Wrong.Present day Russia seems to be correct in many points, while the West, relatively "free", is however polluted with several false doctrines, from Protestantisms to Modernisms and it is under a discreet but powerful control of evil forces, like the FreeMasonry and the Illuminati. In the question of the Crimea, I thought that Russia was right, because the majority of population there are ethnic Russians and they should have the right to choose freely their destiny. However, according to the messages of God, published in the ancient French Web site apparitions mariales, God was not really happy with the Russian annexation of the Crimea. Because the logic of God is not that of men, I had to spend some time, to try to discover the error in my "logic". I think the reason is the usual one: God has no real interest in Orthodox (or even worse, Communist) expansionism at the expense of the Roman Catholicism. Ukraine has some Catholic influence, but, inside Russia, Catholicism is insignificant, while remaining the True Religion, up to the present day (please note that the Vatican is, however, under strong attack of the Forces of Evil, and that, since already the years 60... it may even fall, in the (near) future). Thus, if the Crimea would remain inside the Ukraine, the probabilities of having some "Catholic ethnic Russians" would be a little bit bigger... Inside not converted Russia, that probability is, in practice, zero... There are also other reasons why God prefers the Crimea inside the Ukraine. An Idea for the Resolution of the (Crimea) Ukrainian Conflict.The best solution should be, of course, Russia converted. This is very hard to implement: it is not to expect that the Vatican does it, in the correct way, so easily... we can, however, always pray for that... Alternative solutions, may exist, but less good, of course... I would suggest that Ukraine would keep its borders, after its independence, but also not to humiliate the catholic ethnic Russians. Promotion should be given to the true religion, Catholic, traditional version, Byzantine rite OK, with the legitimate authority (the pope, until today: we should pray for the Vatican, in order to help it to do correctly its function of legitimate Church). Ukraine could turn "West", but without divorcing from Russia: a sort of compromise, thus... Present-day Russia has its origins in the present region of Kiev, why to divorce with Russia? Russia is strong; it's not intelligent such a divorce, they're right now in many points (but not in Orthodoxy, of course), it's rather preferable to negotiate with its big northern brother, and to check the different subjects, point per point... The West is not always right, neither... things are more complex... it's not the ideal solution, but it could avoid problems to Ukraine. The problem: Russia is not yet properly converted, thus, the different parts in the war, may not accept interesting suggestions, etc. With not converted Russia, everything becomes more complicated... The best solution is to restore the Crimea to the Ukraine and to respect the previous Ukrainian borders; however, if the Russian people feels humiliated, that may be dangerous for its leaders and even for the whole world! In the last time that a severe Russian revolution occurred, about 100 years ago, the whole world suffered (with those Russian communist mistakes). Russians know they're strong, that they're right in several points... the situation is, thus, more complicated than it seems... Ideally, promoting / suggesting the true faith, Roman Catholicism (conservative), among the ethnic Russians, e. g., in the Ukraine and / or in Russia, would be a good idea... because in the USA there are Protestants but also Catholic American citizens... and they don't feel less Americans because of those religious differences... Did Freemasons Also Create the USSR Monster?According to a news from www.tldm.org, the Freemason Illuminati plot, which are conquering / intimidating the whole West with their new Western New Ottoman Modernist Empire and educating the West with their new modernist and communist ideologies, since the years 1960, had already a great success in Russia, in 1917: the Creation of the great, powerful, communist USSR monster!!! Czarist Russia was already a great empire; they should have converted into the catholic true faith, instead of becoming a communist monster... The Present ex-Soviet republics and the other regions, under the previous influence of the monster USSR, still suffer with it: general poverty (when compared to lands under the US influence) and demographic decadence! Present-day Russia is still powerful, but it could be twice stronger with twice or three fold the number of inhabitants (I mean, for the same borders), if such USSR monster had never existed... Russia Could Have Been ~2 Times Stronger Without the Soviet Revolution!I think that Russia could have been, at least 2 times stronger, without that Satanic Freemason Bolshevik Revolution... Why? Simply because, despite the schism / Orthodoxy, Czarist Russia was christian conservative, and without such interruption in the czarist governance, demography would follow its normal evolution in Russia... Russia would have, thus, now, 2 or 3 times more people... there's enough space, for all that people, in Russia... Russia became less powerful than it should have been, under a hypothetical czarist control... Because USSR was, in any case, very powerful, at least, in the military level, these details were not really visible... I think that everybody agrees that a present theoretical Russia, now, with some 420 million inhabitants, would be at least 2 × more powerful than the present-day real Russia... Demography counts... But because Russia was already schismatic / separatist from the True Faith / Vatican, at 1917, evil profited from the military power, from Soviet Union, to spread its ideologies... what a pity for the world... and even now, Orthodox Russia + some Asiatic powers, can trigger the fall of the world, at any moment... The Conversion of (Orthodox or Communist) Russia is welcome, to try to change the situation... Idea for Ukraine / Belarus: Be Catholic and Speak Russian!THIS Kind of SOLUTION WORKS GOOD IN Wealthy LANDS, like the USA, CANADA, the NETHERLANDS, GERMANY, UK, etc., but, IN PRESENCE OF POVERTY, e. g., in Eastern EUROPE, SATAN TAKES ADVANTAGE AND CREATES WARS & DIVORCES, in order to CUT CONVERSIONS TO the TRUE FAITH, Catholic CONSERVATIVE, NON NAIVE. THUS, DAILY PROTECTIONS AGAINST EVIL + TAKE CROSS RECOMMENDED. In the West, however, temptation to Modernisms / progressisms / socialisms, importing some of the ex-USSR socialist communist errors, remains strong: communism of genders, socialisms, vote in left political parties, communism of religions, atheism, legal murders, etc. are now popular... perfection does not exist and evil advanced also in the West, with ruse and discretion... each one its strong and weak points... This Kind of IDEA, however, FAILED IN EX-YUGOSLAVIA AND THE WAR IN CRIMEA CUT AGAIN SUCH kind of POSSIBILITY, CREATING, instead, divorces... e. g., between the Catholic and the Orthodox communities, in ex-Yugoslavia... DIVORCE AGAINST the NOT CONVERTED STRONG ORTHODOX RUSSIA DOES NOT SEEM SMART TO ME. TO TRY TO INFLUENCE POSITIVELY RUSSIA, THE AUSTRIAN HABSBURG MODEL FOR GERMANY SEEMS SMARTER, in order to try TO FIGHT the ERRORS (of the SCHISMATIC ORTHODOXY OR) of the Protestant HERESY... IF an UKRAINIAN or a BELARUSIAN SPEAKS RUSSIAN AND BECOME CONSERVATIVE CATHOLIC, NON NAIVE, in a Catholic, Conservative Polish or Hungarian model, IT COULD BE SIMILAR TO A CITIZEN of Switzerland, who speaks German and is CATHOLIC and not Protestant. THEY REMAIN Swiss CITIZENS, the LANGUAGE OR the RELIGION is Secondary... TO BEGIN, it could appear RUSSIAN COMMUNITIES, FROM the OUTSIDE, LESS STRONG BUT HOLIER... even Poland could follow: speak Russian and be Catholic (Conservative)... In order TO Become STRONG, I THINK the UKRAINIANS SHOULD SPEAK RUSSIAN AND BECOME CATHOLIC CONSERVATIVE, NON NAIVE (+ daily attentive PROTECTIONS AGAINST EVIL + take cross), IN a Model similar of that of CATHOLIC KIEVAN RUS (before 1054). NOT Very EASY. THE WARS IN YUGOSLAVIA AND CRIMEA HAD a DIVORCE EFFECT, while a mix of communities / religion could have, instead, a North American or a German Dutch UK effect... poverty does Not help... Daily Rosaries and / or Protections against evil + Take Cross Recommended. More information over this subject, in the Chapter ‘Protections Against Evil’. Ideas to Become Rich, in the section 'Ideas to Become Rich, but pro God' of the Chapter 'Rich, Masons, Opus Dei' of this Web site, 'www.christianideas.eu'. Russia Is Now a Lot Weaker Than Czarist Russia of 1910, as God Wishes.Russia at 1910 was much stronger, on a global level, than present day Russia, as God wishes, even if Russia remains Strong. Russia remains Strong, Ruse, a bit pro God, and can escape, normally with success, the punishments reserved for the Orthodox and other non Catholic Christians of the Region (Armenian, Greek and Serbian Communities, etc.), but Russia is not the Strongest Superpower anymore, even if Russia remains a Strong World Power. Comparing Russia in 1910 to Russia in 2025 is like comparing the power of the Arab Caliphate to that of the Ottoman Empire at its height. With the USSR Effect, Russia weakened in Wealth and also in Demography (these two elements may be a bit linked, because European women generally don't want to educate children, under circumstances of poverty). In the Years 1900, Czarist Russia was becoming too Strong, even with the Defeat against Japan, and Russia became a Counter Example, promoting the Orthodox Hypocrisy. To Understand Better why God is not Happy with Orthodoxy, please refer to the sections in the beginning of this Chapter, 'What Is the Problem Now with Russia?' and 'What's Wrong With Orthodoxy?'. Russia and the USA are somewhat ingenuous in the war of Ukraine, exposing their Weapons to Apocalyptic China. According to News from Heaven (I can't find it anymore), the most powerful Power of the Planet, is now already Apocalyptic China, which possesses the Most Powerful Weapons already. In practice, Czarist Russia of 1910 didn't need the help of nobody, but present day Russia needs to build an Alliance with Apocalyptic China, in order to defend its interests and policies. But, as Russia in 1910, Apocalyptic China is becoming stronger and doesn't need to build an alliance with Russia, in order to achieve its apocalyptic goals. And What Is the Secret of the Superiority of Apocalyptic China?Please refer to the section 'And What is the Secret of the Superiority of Apocalyptic China?', at the Chapter 'Danger of Apocalypse', from this Web site. Mercator, 1595: Siberia to Go To Belgium, After the WW3 / Apocalypse?Mercator 1595, Belgian Mounts, Gog & Magog, Review of Rev 20 Ez 38, Post Apocalyptic Prophecy.Further research needed. Speculation or not, such idea could, eventually, have had a strong impact in Belgium, in the 16th Century, in the time of the religious wars, when the Netherlands wanted to split from Spain and embrace the Protestantism. In order to keep Belgium loyal to the true faith, Catholic Roman + to the Belgian, Spanish, Habsburg authority, Belgian people, like Mercator and other Cartographers, could have been informed over the prophecies for the future and their future benefits, if they would remain loyal to the true faith. Via News from Heaven (those of good quality, even if we shall cross check the information... like those mentioned in 'Heaven News Links'), Mercator, Muhammad and several others could have been informed over extra prophecies, coming from Heaven and not present in the Bible. There are judgments, after the Apocalypse, and Russia has it difficult, normally, because, e. g., of its satanic USSR past. Orthodox temptation and / or military alliance with China are not good examples neither, although constructive alternatives for the Russians, without conversion to the true faith Catholicism, are difficult... ??? Present Ideas Over Gog & Magog ⇒ It May Still Evolve...Further analysis of this question, with extra documentation over the future, the past, the Belgian Mounts of Siberia, Gog and Magog, can maybe give a better idea over the Mercator Map. 'Vng' is translated as 'Ung' / 'Gog' and 'Mongul' / 'Mongol' as 'Magog', in the Mercator map. While in the map, it seems that Mercator interprets 'Gog', as the 'Vng people', alias 'Huns' ⇒ Y Haplogroup of type 'Q' (genetics), alias proto Hungarians, the Bible, in the book of the Revelation, Chapter 20, and, in Ezekiel, Chapter 38, considers 'Gog', as the leader of the land of Magog, to come, 1000 years after the Apocalypse. The Jewish analysis considers the Magog's descendants, the people of Magog, as being the ancient Schythians, and, reading these maps, Scythia seems to be synonim of Tartaria / Mongolia: they were also in those regions, by 500 b.C. The ancient Scythians spoke an Indo-European language, further West, but in the East, they adapted the language. The Scythians, further East, were in contact and mixed with the Turkish (Sumerian) and Chinese communities, but other groups of Scythians remain speaking a language with more Indo-European influences, the Mongol. These groups of Scyths, went to China, to try to flee the Siberian winters, and some mix happened. Russia becoming a mix of Slavic Gomer Togarmah (initially Sumer: proto Turkish language, proto Slav genetics) Y Haplogroup of type 'R1a'+ Swedish Thracian Tiras Nordic (genetically, Y Haplogroup of type 'I'), I thought on a Germanic profile for 'Gog', a leader in the land of the old great Scythia, alias great tartaria, alias great Mongolia, alias ex great czarist Russia / USSR, thus, a leader also of the descendants of Magog, further North (Tartars, Eskimos, Turks, Mongols and other native peoples, from Northern Russia). 'Van Gogh' is a Germanic name, to be found in the Netherlands, e. g., the blond famous Dutchman... But the 'Gog' of Apoc 20 may also not be a Germanic profile: he may receive the surname 'Gog' from the parents and that's all... What About the 'Vng' / 'Huns' / Hungarians?The Huns seemed to come to the West, in order to flee the horrors of the Siberian Winters, after the blockade, imposed by the Chinese, with their great Wall of China... They came, thus, to the West, to the lands of the Slavs, Gomer / Togarmah, with Y Haplogroup of type 'R1a', to the lands of the Celts / Gomer, with Y Haplogroup of type 'R1b', and to the lands of the Germans, Tiras / Thracians / Hurrians, with Y Haplogroup of type 'I', setting the pressure, against the Roman Empire and the Germans. Afterwards, it calmed: the Hungarians converted to the true faith. Some genetic Y Haplogroup, of type 'Q', can be found in the neighborhood, in Bosnia Herzegovina. I think immediately in the 'Ottoman purge' period, when the Hungarians should decide what they wanted: Protestantism & Islam or the true faith, Catholic Roman Conservative, with the Habsburgs of Spain / Austria. The Turkish language is somewhat related with the Hungarian, and some Hungarians could, eventually, try to profit from the Ottoman empire, to try to be in advantage, e. g., converting to the Islam. With the retreat of the Ottomans, by 1683, from Hungary, a community of Hungarians decided to follow the Ottomans, and settled in the region of Bosnia Herzegovina. This region was long close to the northern European border of the Ottoman Empire. An eventual Islamization and the adoption of the local language happened, afterwards... Some other people, with also Y Haplogroup of type 'Q', from Bosnia, could also be descendants of the original Turks, also coming from Asia (descendants of the Seljuk Turks or of the Huns or...). With the Hunnic mix of populations, from Sweden to Paris to the Balkans + the Christianization of the Hungarians, some 'Gog' surnames could have remained, as the 'Vincent van Gogh' and others... A leader, like Putin, etc., but with a (now Germanic) 'Gog' surname, could, thus, be the King of the region that was before the great Scythia, the land of Magog, ~ evolving to great Mongolia, to great Tartaria & to great czarist Russia and satanic USSR. The Y Haplogroups, of types 'C' and 'Q', are also to be found in the native Americans (North American possibility?)... This war should happen within 1000+ years... that's why this is still complex and confusing... Gog, is a person, the King of Magog, according to the Bible (Ezekiel 38 and 38 and Rev 20); associating him with Vng Ung Hungarian Hun could be rather to create ambiguity, because in the map of Mercator, Gog is associated with Vng = Ung, with an associated, but different meaning than that of Rev 20 + Ez 38 and 39. The original 'Vng' should be also Magogians, descendants of the ancient Scyths, with a bit intermix with the ancient Sumerians, the proto Slavs, from who they received the language, the Sumerian, also Turkish related. But, eventually, yes, that king, Gog, could be a more European descendant from an intermix of Huns, further West, as the dutch Vincent van Gogh, and also a leader of a nation, like the czarist Russia of 1900, but still to come, ~1000 years after the end of this age... Vng, alias, Ung, alias, Hun, alias, proto Hungarian, had, maybe since the beginning, better reputation than the traditional Magogians. Near the Vng region, near the Bering Strait and North to Korea, according to the older maps, there was a second priest John kingdom (after Ethiopia): another christian reign, located very far from Europe, after the wide Islamic world. It could have been associated with some Vng = Ung. However, not all Huns were Christians; in the times of Attila, the Huns were a terror in Europe, threatening the Germans and the Roman empire... Mercator could have used 'Gog' as 'Vng', in order to distinguish the proto (h)Ung(arians) from the other Magogians??? Mercator Map, Over Siberia: "Desertum de Belgian Are Nosum".Mercator, in his Map, in Siberia, writes: "Desertum de Belgian are Nosum". What does this mean? Maybe "The Belgian desert is ours"? Thus, maybe "Gog, king of Magog, is conquering the Desert of the Belgians?" I have a bit hard to translate this correctly. Anyhow, some of that desert seems now to have disappeared, being now more green: See, for example, in Spanish,in the Internet, in es.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Monta%C3%B1as_de_Siberia_oriental: the region is very cold in the winter, but there is some vegetation there... The correlation less Muslims, more Christians, more green remains valid in the 'Belgian' Siberian desert [after the Russian conquest] and in the vanishing Arabia Felix [less Christians, less Jews and less rain ⇒ the Muslim curse against rainfall seems mostly valid, with the Turkey + the Eastern Indian exceptions...]. More details over this subject in the Chapter ‘Islam,…’, sections ‘Islamic Desert Curse’. The 'M. Paulus', from the Mercator map, seems to refer to 'Marco Polo', the Venetian, but there's some ambiguity with the name 'Polo' 'Paulo' 'Pauli' 'Paulus' 'Paolo' 'Paul' 'Pablo', while I try already to help, with 'Catholic Russia Converted Ideas', made in Belgium. Few or no references to the Belgian Mounts of Siberia are to be found, outside the Belgian Benelux cartography from the 1600 AD period... We may find references to the Belgian lion, with another ambiguity: "Leo Belgicus" as the "Netherlands Lion"... it seems to be the "Charles V" Belgian Lion / Empire... ??? Afterwards: with the Russian conquest of Siberia at ~1650, all mentions, to the Belgian Mounts of Siberia and even to the biblical names 'Gog & Magog' disappeared. Possibly, not to importune the new owners, now Christians (but Orthodox schismatic) Russians... Belgica Gallia Celtica refers to the biblical descendants of Noah, Riphath and Ashkenaz, via Gomer, with Y Haplogroup genetics of type 'R1b', and could, eventually, be found in Central Asia and Siberia, but I speculate that Mercator knew some News from Heaven & some prophecies over the post apocalyptic period... Other old maps don't seem to refer to the original Belgica Celtica Gallia anymore, in Asia (Siberia, etc.)... The Belgian Lion that takes some Siberian territory, after the apocalyptic judgments ⇒ one of the kings of Tarshish (ex Habsburg's dominions)? Tarshish is happy, at the Gog Magog post apocalyptic war, but Russia & USA may lose influence... ??? Gog & Magog is past, but it is also future... ??? Over Magog's Bad Reputation and the War of Ezekiel 38 and Apoc 20...The Prophecies of Ezekiel 38 and 39, even if destined only for the far post apocalyptic future, didn't help the descendants of Magog, in what concerns reputation. The creation of the Buddhism, in Northern India, after the time of Ezekiel, could have been a reaction to the prophecies of Ezekiel 38 and 39... It's mentioned that Alexander, the Great, of Macedonia, created a Wall, near to the Caspian Sea, in order to imprison, further North, the Magogians ("evil reputed" peoples of the style 'Magog'). That Magogians are not perfect, that's sure: but nobody is. But the truth is also that, pushed to the Siberian areas, those inhabitants could have suffered enormously with the terrible cold winters, and some are even Christians Orthodox now, in Siberia, Russia. That bad reputation, over Magog, could have worsened the situation of the descendants of Magog, son of Japheth, son of Noah. The reasons for the cannibal practices of the ancient Scyths could have been perverse / racist, but maybe they didn't have enough food, further North, and, in order to survive, they ate the "less convenient" persons... For the personal hygiene, the reasons could have been similar: they were often nomads, they lived often in tents, and it could have been hard to have baths, with warm water, specially in the winter... it could have been possible, but not that easy... At the time of the Crusades, the initial aggressors were the Seljuk Turks, coming from Central Asia, thus, with Magogian ascendance... that could have contributed for further bad reputation towards the descendants of Magog... The Successors of the Seljuk Turks, the Ottoman Turks, mixed with the local populations, and, thus, were not descendants of Magog anymore, but they still had some bad reputation, in Christian Europe... The descendants of Magog, further North, the Tartars, the Mongols and the Northern Turks, Siberia, are not numerous today. Maybe because of the difficult circumstances, the bad reputation and the lack of motivation to become the aggressors of the future war of Apoc 20 and Ez 38. All this is complex, each nation its pains... In Siberia, the descendants of Magog are not numerous, but further South, in China, etc., they're numerous, and a lot, but they're mixed with the others also. An interesting old map is available online, the Borgia map... The prophecy of Ez 38 + Ap 20 could maybe speak over Gog, King of the [ancient ] land of Magog [ ⇒ old Scythia], where now the Slavs / Russians are majoritarian, but the Tartars, the Mongols and the Siberian Turks are not numerous. In Central Asia, the Turkic peoples are not very numerous either... A possible example could be a Russian king named 'Gog', king also in the land of Magog... I think over the possibility of a Russian, named 'Gog', unhappy with the loss of advantage, after the Apocalypse, for these powerful nations (like the present day USA or Russia) and that he wants to restore the previous glory of the "ancient times" (I mean, the times of the present time or of the 20th century)... That King, 'Gog', could take back the 'Belgian Mounts', the 'Belgian Desert Region' (desert, in 1606... now it is greener...), in Eastern Siberia, before going to Jerusalem to try recover back, by force, his previously 'unfairly' paid taxes to the 'parasite profiteers', the Saints and Martyrs of God... ⇒ ideas still to evolve... Why Did Russia Remain So Strong, In the Last 5 Centuries?Normally, a land doesn't remain very strong, for many centuries, as it happened with Russia. The normal situation is that of Turkey, Spain and even the USA: they remain super strong for some 200 years, and, afterwards, they are in decline... What it happened was this (with Russia, but also other nations, further North): there were people there, praying, in secret, the Novena to Mary, Undoer of Knots, asking that these concerned nations (Russia, etc.) remain superpowers, and this, during several centuries... that's why this happened... with Czarist Russia, and even now, says God. Because "Mongol domination" may happen also... But, with the USSR, the explanation is not the same anymore: Satan demanded to God, by 1884, 75 to 100 years, Wealth and Power, in order to Destroy the True Church, the Vatican. God accepted the challenge and Satan used the Russian Empire, the USSR, for that, and the people pro evil could have enough money for that, also. That's why this happened. Maybe Russia Escapes the Tribulations of the Apocalypse (?). Over the Church of Philadelphia.According a message from Heaven to Saint Vassula, concerning Russia, in the ancient French Web site apparitionsmariales.org, Russia is maybe the land / church, which escapes to the tribulations of the Apocalypse. A scenario among others possible (?). It seems that Russia is strong enough and the Antichrist can't go inside Russia (in this scenario). I think, that, while the rest of the world falls into sin, in the Russo-phobia and in the paranoia anti Russia from the modernists, this may serve to purify Russia. And because, at the given time, Vatican also falls (loses its legitimacy, as true church, becoming instead, the seat of the Antichrist), then the church of Russia, if loyal to the true christian values, could be saved. To be confirmed with the sources, of course. The problem: We, the West, we're the big losers, if Russia is not converted!!! It's dramatic, yes, for us, and not really for Russia... Of course, with Russia converted, we would have maybe a Russia superstar, saving the planet, but that's difficult to happen and there's no real motivation for that in the West, which wants, instead, to see Russia as a rival to despise... a sad story, indeed, but for us, in the West... In this scenario, the Russian church is the Church of Philadelphia of the book of Revelation (which escapes the tribulations), after the final great Apocalyptic Schism of the Catholic Church. There is, thus, the possibility that the remaining Catholic clergy takes refuge there, but in this case, the Catholic clergy should be in force position in the hierarchy, and not in weak position. The Russian Orthodox Clergy should unite with the Catholic conservative clergy in the exile, but those who should be in force position, in the hierarchy of the legitimate church, should be the members of the Catholic clergy... P.S. Prudence is necessary in my reasonings, because the messages from heaven seem to be somewhat contradictory, at this level... several apocalyptic scenarios are possible... but we can always pray for the correct consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, in order to try to restore the order, pro God, in the world... Russia has bad reputation in the apparitions of Garabandal, Fatima and New York... Indeed, Russia could be an apocalyptic actor, actively contributing for the apocalyptic tribulations... Eventually, communist USSR could return. It would be apocalyptic, and one of the possibilities of Garabandal: "When the Communism shall Return Back, everything shall happen". In the scenario 'communist USSR back', possibly the church of Philadelphia would not be the Russian Church anymore... But that goes maybe in contradiction with the message of Jesus to Saint Vassula... ??? In another scenario, the church of Philadelphia could maybe be the church of Portugal, because:
Further information over the virtuous church of Philadelphia can be found in the book of the Revelation, Rev 3:7-13. The concerned text follows (source: Bible of Vatican online):
Jesus of the Divine Mercy: Those who Honor Jesus, with full trust, through the preceding Picture, shall be Saved* from Hell. * - WATCH OUT: IF YOU ACCEPT THE MARK 666 IN the BODY (an electronic chip in the hand or in the forehead) OR IF YOU WORSHIP THE ANTICHRIST OR HIS IMAGE, YOU FINISH IN HELL, as the book of the Apocalypse 14:9-11 says, EVEN IF YOU HONOR A DIVINE MERCY JESUS of Saint Faustina, with full trust... Please Scroll further Down, to Fully See the Summary... I try to pray for the protection of all the pro God of the planet, until 00:00h, to try to disinfest, but it's better to complement it with a 24h protective prayer, as the daily Rosary (praying it attentively), or the daily Rosary 2× (or more). Summary of the Web SiteCatholic Russia Converted Ideas...Made in Belgium, E.U. www.christianideas.eu:
If You Want to Defend Good,
** - it's better to pray the Rosary, in church, family or community, with rejection of all the sins, in state of grace, praying for the (good) intentions of the pope, in order to try to get a plenary indulgence... More details, at the sections 'Protections Against Evil', from www.christianideas.eu. I try to pray for the protection of all the pro God of the planet, until 00:00h, to try to disinfest, but it's better to complement it, with 24h protective prayer, e.g., the attentive Rosary or the daily Rosary 2× (better: in the required conditions, to get a plenary indulgence).
Satan demanded to God 75 - 100 years, + Money + Power,
in order to destroy the Vatican ⇒ www.tldm.org. Evil doesn't triumph anymore, since ~2023, but Apocalyptic temptation persists. There's still, thus, Danger of Apocalypse, in the next ~50 years (if the Apocalypse doesn't happen). Note: www.christianideas.eu began in ~2009 and keeps improving. IT REMAINS INCOMPLETE + NOT PERFECT. If God helps, I'll try to improve it and / or to correct eventual detected errors, contents + design, little by little. A backup, in .zip format exists (you may download it also, via the left column, above, using for that, e.g., the browser Firefox). This backup contains the most important part of this Web site. You may print it, copy it, according to the content's license, above left, in this Web page... Good intentioned Pub, pro God, pro True Faith, Welcome!!! Good News: God decided to collaborate with www.christianideas.eu and became already the main Author, the Author 1 of this Web site, even if some weak points remain. Yes!
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